1992 – 1993 Iyengar Yoga classes in London SW15 with Julie Hodges
1994 – 1995 +
1999 - 2003 Yoga classes and Workshops with Uwe Franz (Svayoga, Kashmir Shivaism, Yoga Philosophy- andPsychology)
Iyengar Yoga classes with Michael Schuirer in Augsburg
1998 self study in Ayurveda and Yoga practice in Paris, France
2000 Art of Living practice with Sri Sri Ravir Shankar, Rishikesh, India
Yoga and Meditation in Varanasi, India
2001- 2006 Practice of Vajrayana Buddhis incl. most initiations by HH the Dalai Lama, Garchen Rinpoche and other Masters of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage
2004 studies of Integral Yoga and Sri Aurobindo in Auroville, India
3 months scientific study about Ayurveda Studien for medicinal studies at University, Ottersberg
2005 5 day Retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh with the topic: 'joyful learning & loving teaching'
2004 - 2007 mindfulness meditation practice in the Thich Nhat Hanh Sangha, Ottersberg
2004 – 2006 Kundalini Yoga practice in the Yoga Bhajan tradition, Ottersberg
since 2006 practice of Bhakti Yoga with Amma (Mata Amritaanandamayi Ma)
2007 4 weeks Ayurveda studies and panchakarma treatment Amritapuri, Kerala, India
1 week study of Kashmir Shivaism in Srinagar, India
2008 Agama Yoga level 1 in Thailand (4 weeks intensive restorative Yoga Praxis focusing on the chakras and energy system)
2008-2015 practice of tantric based Hatha and Kundalini-Yoga in the Agama style
2008 10 day Vipassana Retreat, Thailand
2010 - 2014 further studies with mit Agama Yoga (Levels 2-12 in the curriculum), Thailand
2011 500 hr Yoga Teacher Training with Agama Yoga, Thailand
2012 10 day Hridaya Meditation-Retreat (Revelation of the Spiritual Heart), Thailand
5 day workshop mit Emma Warmington (focusing on: Anusara, Heart of Yoga, Ana Forrest), Thailand
2013 3 day workshop Kundalini Yoga with Reinhard Gammenthaler
1 day Vinyasana Master Class with Cyndee Lee, Berlin
2014 300 hr Advanced Yoga Teacher Training with Jivani Yoga, Thailand
3-Tage Workshop ‚Advanced Yoga for Everyone“ with Mark Whitwell, Berlin
since 2014 practice of Heart of Yoga: Krishnamacharyas principles of Practice, as being taught by his direct longterm student Mark Whitwell
2015 3 weeks Kundalini Yoga Intensive with Reinhard Gammenthaler, Thailand
10 day Hridaya Meditations-Retreat (Revelation of the Spiritual Heart), Romania
7 day seminar/retreat with Bettina Bäumer based on selected texts from Kashmir Shaivism
2016 10 day Hridaya Meditations-Retreat (Revelation of the Spiritual Heart), Romania
2015-2016 research for PhD about transformational processes in Yoga in various places in India, such as Varanasi, Auroville IYCER and Institute Francais Pondicherry